Interface (ABI)


Function Signatures

d0821b0e: bet(uint8)
12ca9ed5: bettingEndBlock()
e04c1e63: bettingStartBlock()
f9b0b5b9: consensusThreshold()
fad56779: eventAddress()
bef4876b: finished()
871169b9: getBetBalances()
a3cb679d: getTotalBets()
9a0e7d66: getTotalVotes()
95d3382a: getVoteBalances()
ca381d2e: numOfResults()
7dc0d1d0: oracle()
8da5cb5b: owner()
0d4e8aed: resultIndex()
d16e637b: resultSettingEndBlock()
b6fadfb7: resultSettingStartBlock()
80ce60d1: setResult(uint8)
f2fde38b: transferOwnership(address)
54fd4d50: version()

Event Hashes

event OracleResultVoted(uint16 indexed _version, address indexed _oracleAddress, address indexed _participant, uint8 _resultIndex, uint256 _votedAmount)

event OracleResultSet(uint16 indexed _version, address indexed _oracleAddress, uint8 _resultIndex)


Places a bet on a result given the index. The QTUM is routed to the TopicEvent contract for storage.

  1. Launch QT Wallet
  2. Click on Smart Contract tab, then click on SendTo sub tab
  3. Set the Contract Address and Interface (ABI)
  4. Set the Function to bet(d0821b0e)

  5. Set the Result Index you would like to bet in uint8 _resultIndex field

  6. Set the amount of QTUM to bet in the Amount field

  7. Set the Sender Address as the address you want to bet from

  8. Click Send To Contract button

  9. You should see your new transaction posted. Save the transaction id if you want to verify the transaction succeeded.

  10. Wait for the transaction to get mined


The CentralizedOracle can set the result by first approving 100 BOT (the consensus threshold) to the TopicEvent address. The CentralizedOracle can call this method to set the result between the betting end block and the result setting end block.

  1. Launch QT Wallet
  2. approve() 10000000000 Botoshi (100 BOT) which is the current consensus threshold for CentralizedOracles. The _spender should be the TopicEvent address.
  3. Click on Smart Contract tab, then click on SendTo sub tab
  4. Set the Contract Address and Interface (ABI)
  5. Set the Function to setResult(80ce60d1)

  6. Set the Result Index you would like to set the result in uint8 _resultIndex field

  7. Set the Gas Limit to 3000000 (3 million) to make sure the transaction goes through. Any unspent gas will be returned to you.

  8. Set the Sender Address as the CentralizedOracle address

  9. Click Send To Contract button

  10. You should see your new transaction posted. Save the transaction id if you want to verify the transaction succeeded.

  11. Wait for your transaction to be mined


Returns the Event address.

  1. Launch QT Wallet
  2. Click on Smart Contract tab, then click on Call sub tab
  3. Set the Contract Address and Interface (ABI)
  4. Set the Function to eventAddress(fad56779)
  5. Click Call Contract button
  6. Returns:
    • address is the Event address


Returns the number of Event results.

  1. Launch QT Wallet
  2. Click on Smart Contract tab, then click on Call sub tab
  3. Set the Contract Address and Interface (ABI)
  4. Set the Function to numOfResults(ca381d2e)
  5. Click Call Contract button
  6. Returns:
    • uint8 is the number of Event results


Returns the consensus threshold that needs to be reached in order for the Oracle to be valid.

  1. Launch QT Wallet
  2. Click on Smart Contract tab, then click on Call sub tab
  3. Set the Contract Address and Interface (ABI)
  4. Set the Function to consensusThreshold(f9b0b5b9)
  5. Click Call Contract button
  6. Returns:
    • uint256 is the consensus threshold


Returns the address of the CentralizedOracle.

  1. Launch QT Wallet
  2. Click on Smart Contract tab, then click on Call sub tab
  3. Set the Contract Address and Interface (ABI)
  4. Set the Function to oracle(7dc0d1d0)
  5. Click Call Contract button
  6. Returns:
    • address is the CentralizedOracle in hex


Returns the block when the betting period will start.

  1. Launch QT Wallet
  2. Click on Smart Contract tab, then click on Call sub tab
  3. Set the Contract Address and Interface (ABI)
  4. Set the Function to bettingStartBlock(e04c1e63)
  5. Click Call Contract button
  6. Returns:
    • uint256 is the bettingStartBlock


Returns the block when the betting period will end.

  1. Launch QT Wallet
  2. Click on Smart Contract tab, then click on Call sub tab
  3. Set the Contract Address and Interface (ABI)
  4. Set the Function to bettingEndBlock(12ca9ed5)
  5. Click Call Contract button
  6. Returns:
    • uint256 is the betting end block


Returns the block when the CentralizedOracle will be able to set the result.

  1. Launch QT Wallet
  2. Click on Smart Contract tab, then click on Call sub tab
  3. Set the Contract Address and Interface (ABI)
  4. Set the Function to resultSettingStartBlock(b6fadfb7)
  5. Click Call Contract button
  6. Returns:
    • uint256 is the resultSettingStartBlock


Returns the block when the CentralizedOracle will no longer be able to set the result.

  1. Launch QT Wallet
  2. Click on Smart Contract tab, then click on Call sub tab
  3. Set the Contract Address and Interface (ABI)
  4. Set the Function to resultSettingEndBlock(d16e637b)
  5. Click Call Contract button
  6. Returns:
    • uint256 is the result setting end block


Returns an array of QTUM bet balances placed by the sender. Shows 10 values and each index is the bet amount for that result index.

  1. Launch QT Wallet
  2. Click on Smart Contract tab, then click on Call sub tab
  3. Set the Contract Address and Interface (ABI)
  4. Set the Function to getBetBalances(871169b9)
  5. Set the Sender Address of the address to get the balances of
  6. Click Call Contract button
  7. Returns:
    • uint256[10] is the array of QTUM bet balances shown in Satoshi


Returns an array of BOT vote balances placed by the sender. Shows 10 values and each index is the vote amount for that result index.

  1. Launch QT Wallet
  2. Click on Smart Contract tab, then click on Call sub tab
  3. Set the Contract Address and Interface (ABI)
  4. Set the Function to getVoteBalances(95d3382a)
  5. Set the Sender Address of the address to get the balances of
  6. Click Call Contract button
  7. Returns:
    • uint256[10] is the array of BOT vote balances shown in Botoshi


Returns an array of total QTUM bets placed by all participants. Shows 10 values and each index is the total bet amount for that result.

  1. Launch QT Wallet
  2. Click on Smart Contract tab, then click on Call sub tab
  3. Set the Contract Address and Interface (ABI)
  4. Set the Function to getTotalBets(a3cb679d)
  5. Click Call Contract button
  6. Returns:
    • uint256[10] is the array of total QTUM bets shown in Satoshi


Returns an array of total BOT votes placed by all participants. Shows 10 values and each index is the total vote amount for that result.

  1. Launch QT Wallet
  2. Click on Smart Contract tab, then click on Call sub tab
  3. Set the Contract Address and Interface (ABI)
  4. Set the Function to getTotalVotes(9a0e7d66)
  5. Click Call Contract button
  6. Returns:
    • uint256[10] is the array of total BOT votes shown in Botoshi


Returns the result index. If it returns 255, then the Centralized Oracle has not set the result yet.

  1. Launch QT Wallet
  2. Click on Smart Contract tab, then click on Call sub tab
  3. Set the Contract Address and Interface (ABI)
  4. Set the Function to resultIndex(0d4e8aed)
  5. Click Call Contract button
  6. Returns:
    • uint8 is the result index


Returns true or false if the Oracle is finished. No more transactions are allowed after finished.

  1. Launch QT Wallet
  2. Click on Smart Contract tab, then click on Call sub tab
  3. Set the Contract Address and Interface (ABI)
  4. Set the Function to finished(bef4876b)
  5. Click Call Contract button
  6. Returns:
    • bool shows true/false if the Oracle is finished